Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quote of the Day

Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. 
~Eleanor Roosevelt 

I think this is one of the biggest lessons I have had to learn.  Maybe it's just part of growing up.  For the longest time I felt like a puppet, like every move I made I was making either for someone or to go against someone.  Not until my late 20's early 30's-ish did I really start to become aware that this is MY life (instead of just yelling in a teenagery way... "IT'S MY LIFE!!!!!).  Call me a late bloomer :)  But, oh is it freeing when you realize you make your own life and if you really listen, your intuition will never lead you astray.  
Why couldn't I have had this kind of "aha" moment in high-school?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Split Pea For You

So, last night we made a delicious pot of split pea.  Split pea soup is one of those things that looks and smells quite disgusting... sort like cheese, but eating it is a whole 'nother story.  I love making this soup because the peas cook so fast, it tastes good and it's basically baby food ready :)

Split Pea Soup
1 lb. split peas rinsed
2 quarts homemade chicken stock (look back in Nov. for directions)
1 bunch chopped carrots
3 stalks chopped celery
1 small or 1/2 large chopped onion
2 cloves garlic minced
2 cups chopped organic ham

Now put the peas in your stock and cover and simmer.  Get them a little soft (45min. to 1 hour) and then I add my veggies and ham.  Simmer another 1-2 hours depending on your peas.  Add a little sea salt and ground black pepper to taste and you've got it!  I like it with a good sourdough bread and some really good pasture butter or homemade butter and a tall glass of raw milk!

Monday, February 22, 2010


School all of a sudden is starting to get a little tougher. D's class just finished up a week long project of preparing individual presentations. Felt like a month really. But alas,we finished. He took it very seriously and was not afraid one bit to get up and do his thing. Title: SCORPIONS!
Everybody had to do a visual. No generic posters allowed. It just so happened that I had the perfect Anthro container on hand. So we did a shadow box with a nice little desert scene and Sory let us borrow his big black scorpion. They have that kind in the desert, right?
Sory's been begging for homework of his very own. Title: TARANTULAS!

On a side note, I just realized D's shirt looks filthy!  That is SNOW, not dirt or lunch all you Grandmas ;)
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Miss Mischief

A very quiet morning. How do you do it with three little birds you ask? SIMPLE. I ignore them ;) One is somewhere playing on his Nintendo DSI, another with glazed eyes staring at Pooh. And the baby? Oh yes, the BABY! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Yep, I see you.
GOTCHA! And don't fall for the innocent little face. See that big bruise on the forehead? Yep, from previous mischief.
Oh, but how can you resist!
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cajun Country

So it was a girls week and we were headed to Louisiana.  Home of the best food on earth, friendliest people and celebrations galore.  My only regret is that I didn't take more pictures.  What was I thinking??  I'm obviously not a picture taker.  I get so wrapped up in whatever I'm doing, I honestly forget until other people start whipping out their cameras.  I could've taken a million great photos of our journey and my beautiful family, but no, instead just three :(  Miss Aviana in full Mardi Gras spirit!
My darling cousin Jandy and I after just waking up, hence the messy, sleepy, just rolled out of bed look I'm sporting.  I hadn't seen her since she was pregnant with the cutie on her hip!  (His name is Ben, by the way).  So wonderful to catch up with her and reminisce about our summers as wild and crazy girls.
My little Bros!  Willy Philly was in for a visit at the same time and my littlest Bro Taylor with the dark hair.  My Dad on the other side of me.  It was great to see them all.  And of course they ate up my little Miss. Wonderful trip with wonderful people.  And why on earth don't I have pictures of them all???

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Cajun Country Continued...

One thing I did get a picture of... THE ARCHITECTURE!  And the enthusiasm these people have.  It's contagious really.  I LOVE southern homes and loved how everyone had decorated so beautifully for Mardi and Super Bowl.
I really want a front door like this.  Isn't that gorgeous?
WHO DAT BABY?  The Saints Dat's Who!!!!!  OK, I couldn't resist.  I heard this so much while there it was like it became a part of me.  Ingrained in my memory forever ;)  It was definitely special being there to see the Saints victory.  Louisiana deserved it and the people went wild.  Yelling up and down the street, fireworks, beads.  I can't even remember how many pieces of cake I had that night!
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Our oldest is seven today! I can't believe it, but at the same time I still feel like he's older than seven. There are so many reasons why I love this guy. Here are my top seven:
1. D is very practical. When I explain a decision we've made, he gets it. This makes things SO easy. Of course there are times when he plays lawyer with me and argues miniscule points, but I love this too because he gets very creative with his reasoning.
2. D is a true friend to all. This is the one thing all of his teachers have always said. He is kind to everyone, respectful, welcoming.
3. He's going somewhere. D has always had plans for his future, where he will live, what he will do. I have no doubt in my mind he will accomplish much!
4. He's a health nut :) Loves his raw milk. It's usually pretty easy to get him to eat something if he knows it's good for him.
5. D is a great brother/babysitter. He gives his used toys to Sory all the time (which Sory loves), plays with Avi and carries her around the house for me when I need to get things done. He's so sweet with his little sister.
6. He always does his best work. When completing a homework assignment, he really takes the time to write neatly and turn in a good paper. I admire this about him since I'm sometimes a "just get it done" kind of girl.
7. And last, but not least... D is a great conversationalist... meaning he listens, asks questions, doesn't just do all the talking, which is even a challenge for many adults I know!

Happy Birthday to you Darlin'!!! We are so blessed to have you as a part of our family. You have taught me as much as I've taught you. WE LOVE YOU DILLY DOO!
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