Saturday, April 11, 2009

Four Days Old...

Avi asleep with her softy blanky
"I do NOT want to be a PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sweet baby girl

Sleeping Beauty...

Things are going wonderfully.  Avi is already back to her birth weight.  She is such a calm, content baby and we are loving having her!


Tami N said...

OMG...she so so precious. Almost makes me want another. Ok, well maybe not. But really, she is so beautiful!

Tami, Jason and the girls

Chinny and Poom said...

How in the world did I miss these pics.
Oh Aubrey I am dying to see her. Those pics of her sleeping in a tutu are the best. She is soooo cute. I really need to get Abby a Tutu. :)
Hopefully we'll see you all tomorrow.