Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Home Preschool (still rocks)

So, we have made the very difficult decision to pull my little man out of preschool for the year. Many factors here, but it comes down to the fact that he doesn't HAVE to be in school. I can teach him everything and more right here at my kitchen table. I am sad because I loved his school and teacher. Same teacher D had a couple years back. I told her we would be back next Fall. So, now the challenge is to find fun, creative and exciting ways to teach a three year old with a very tiny attention span! So far, we have been working on recognizing his name in print and writing the letters that make his name. We are also counting as high as we can and doing the usual ABC stuff and crafts. That actually sounds really boring now that I read it :( I'll have to start scouring my resources for fun ways to learn. We will still be doing all of our activities, music, gymnastics and doing a preschool swap with another family weekly. I'm excited! Part of me has always wanted to test out homeschool. So, this will be a good little test. I already asked D if he would ever want to homeschool and he said "NO WAY! I love my friends". Sory's response is always, "Do I have to see my fwens today Mama??" There you go!


Chinny and Poom said...

ahhh. he's your little guy! i love that he would rather hang with you. These moments are short so it's awesome you recognise his needs.

Tami N said...

There are TONS of free online preschool printouts. I use kidsparkz.com and I have "The Everything Collection" CD and its pretty good. Whenever I need an activity, I just pop in my CD and can easily find what I'm looking for. Good luck and I'm sure you'll be a great preschool homeschooler!!

Aubrey said...

Thanks Tami... will check it out!!