Friday, June 11, 2010

We're Outta Here!

The day has finally come.  We are leaving behind this monster of a house and downsizing to a darling little single-level home.  And I absolutely love it.  We have learned so many lessons these past few years.
Here are a few...
Less is More
Big houses really are just more to to clean
The greatest joy in life is just being together
Stairs and babies do not mix
Steep driveways and bikes do not mix
Me and mopping acres of flooring do not mix
It is time to simplify
Time to be grateful
Time to give
Time to purge and realize we still have SO much
Time to save and be conservative in our spending
Time to teach our children these lessons
When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
The Madskaggs are one tough bunch
In the past 8 years we have moved 7 times, had 3 babies, changed careers, lost loved ones, had numerous ER visits, faced financial ruin and wondered if we could hold it all together.  There are days I've wanted to run away from it all, but we stayed.
What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger
Today we are stronger and happier than ever
We are so thankful for our dear friends and family and all of their wisdom!

Big move ahead... can't wait to enjoy the new digs.


stephanie said...

oh yay! happy moving for you.

we moved to a house less than half the size of our old one. i love the simplification and the less cleaning. (it would be nice, though, if southern california prices meant it could actually be cheaper too... but most certainly not the case.)

Chinny and Poom said...

YOU my friend are the heart of your home. You are such a strong, positive force and your 3 little birds are going to learn that in the face of any hardship, keep your chin up, from there strong Mama. Your strength is inspiring.
And not to use the over used but Life is here is my add in...if we chose to make it good. And you my friend have chosen wisely. :)
I am ecstatic that you are closer to me.
7 times in 8 years???!!! Fill me in when I see you next.

Ashley said...

Congrats on the new home. It is always so exciting to move into a new place. Remember... your home is where your heart is!!

Tami N said... always have a great outlook on and attitude towards life and then you can put it so well into words! I'm amazed by you!

Goodness girl, I thought that I had moved a lot ...but you have me beat. I've only moved 5 in the last 8...however, I have lived between cities/houses 2 different times in the last 5 years. I'm so ready to be settled somewhere permanent again and not having to pay two house/rent payments. Hopefully soon.