Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mr. Graduate

We attended Mr. Sory's preschool graduation last week. They did such a cute presentation for us parents... complete with dancing, songs about our great state and the turtle song. Congratulations Corkin, Sorenopolis, si si, sady bug! (I don't think we ever call him by his real name anymore)
We love you Tater Monkey! (no idea where Daddy picked that one up)
This little girl was too cute... No, not my little BOY, the girl next to him.  He's been mistaken for a girl so many times.  Daddy has threatened to chop the locks.
And this is how he performed... with the tassel directly in front of his face. I kept trying to move it and it kept reappearing front and center.
The cast came off just the day before, so he's holding his right arm bent. Slowly it's been improving and he's starting to write with it again. Maybe he'll become ambidextrous?
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