Sunday, January 4, 2009

Red Rocks

One nice thing about the winters here is the easy escape to the beautiful Red Rock Country.  Whenever you're just about to die of cabin fever, there's a warm sunny hike waiting for you less than an hour away.  Here's little Soren taking a breather.  It looks like he just put his pack down to rest, but actually Daddy put Soren AND the pack down and is probably hiding somewhere.
D the tree climbing expert.  Nothing could make me happier than to see my guys just exploring, being kids and enjoying the outdoors.  I feel really fortunate to live in such beauty.  Michael and I always wonder if our kids will appreciate it... growing up in it their whole lives.  Maybe when they're older :-)
I, almost 7 mos. pregnant, was "bear crawling" and huffing and puffing up these rocks.  Michael, who was miles ahead with a 3 yr. old on his back and keeping up with a wild almost 6 yr. old, was not even out of breath...  I can't wait to get back into shape (one of my resolutions)!
Happy New Year everyone!

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