Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sunshine Days

For a summer that seemed to drag on and on, this post plans to be quite short and to the point, aside from the many pictures I decided to cram all together, I am keeping my words quick!  At the end of the school year, we left for the steamy, sticky, mosquito-y, but oh so much fun Midwest.  We hadn't seen our dear Gramma Bonnie and Grampa Bob in almost a year, so it was high time.  I always say it the ultimate grandparent's house- chalked full of toys, cookies, ice cream and candy dishes right at eye level.  There was even a big pool this year Grampa Bob had rigged up in the back yard which proved to be a huge hit and provided the only outdoor excitement with the relentless heat wave.

The boys splashed, dove, pushed and shoved their way around that little pool for hours...

One of the biggest summer achievements was Soren learning to ride a two wheeler!!  

He was very proud.

I forced this upon my in-laws. But don't they look sweet together?  I wish I knew the exact amount of years they've been married, but I want to say it in the ballpark of 50!  

My sweet Angel.

Two Sweet Angels after a long day at the pool.

This one is apparently getting too old for pictures.  I had to pull the Mama sneak attack.

Three cuties in a row.

Three chocolate covered cuties in a row.

Normal, IL is home to an awesome children's museum.  I know just the name of the town makes it sound not very exciting.  Trust me, when the pool needs a break this is the perfect escape.

Mr. Sory

 Yes we do pose for a picture of ourselves every great once in awhile.

Big D trapped!  This was such a fun netted climbing thing.  If someone could fit this in their house, I bet they could find a million uses for it.

Masterpiece Art

The Family- Michael's sister, niece, nephew and parents.

Goodbye Gramma and Grampa!  We had so much fun!  Can't wait to see you again!!

Grandpa Bill arrived the next week from Louisiana.  He brought the kids tennis clothes, raquets and taught them a few tricks of the trade.  We taught Grandpa Bill what Wild Westerners do for fun, like hanging out on top of 12, 000 ft. mountains.

And enjoying the simple things in life like a good old fashioned 4th of July parade.  It's Grandpa Bill's very favorite.

See the twinkle in his eye.  He's in heaven here.

No summer is complete without more swimming.  We spent many a day seeking refuge at the good ol' pool.

Seriously mom? Another picture?

Happy Birthday to my Dear Girl Sooz.  I love you always.

The gang!  Amy to my left has since moved to Hawaii.  And I just remembered I still haven't talked to her, just played a ton of phone tag.  Amy we miss you!

Summer in the mountains and Mama training for an impending killer race means LOTS of hiking.  Lucky for me my Birdies love the wilds.

As does Papa Bird.

In the wilds you can throw rocks, sword fight, shoot things, get muddy- it's limitless.

And yes, Princesses CAN wear hiking boots!

Summer has come to an end.  And I am so excited for this school year.  I LOVE the kids teachers.  They are so happy.  It's amazing how having both kids at one school now really makes my life seem like a cake walk.  One in kindergarten, the other- a big bad 3rd grader.  And my baby girl at home.  These are good years.

He took right to it the first day.  Soon as he found out toys were involved and lots of cool new friends, he was all over it!  
I love you little Birdies so much!  Hope you had a beautiful summer.  Hope this year we build lots  and lots of wonderful new memories together.

1 comment:

Chinny and Poom said...

I haven't been on a blog in many months and decided to get back into it by at least working on my own. Just finished posting and lo and behold I look through the dashboard and spot a 3 little birds post. Boy, we are still connected aren't we. :) Loved the highlights. Feel like I missed summer completely. You will see my back posts soon. : )Love you girl.