Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let's Try This Again

So many times I have said, "I need to start blogging again!", "I'm not a scrapbooker, I HAVE to blog!", "This is the only record of my family!".  And then.... nothing.  So here it is again- another attempt because nothing is more important to me than this family.  I am always reminded of just how special our time together is when life throws us curve balls.  Like a co-worker covering for my husband, getting into a horrific car accident, and going completely blind.  Like breaking out in shingles for no apparent reason, other than the fact that life is a little stressful at times (as it is for everyone).  Like my husband fighting like mad to protect everything he has worked so hard for.  It is sickening to me that in his line of work there are no guarantees.  There is always someone looking to pounce on all we have built and claim it as their own.  Makes my stomach ache. And dealing with people who we assume are good and honest.  Why wouldn't they be?  Sadly, some people just aren't built that way.  BUT, (and that's a BIG BUT!) we have an amazing family that I couldn't be more proud of and they are my daily motivation to keep on keepin' on.  And the fact that I am blessed beyond measure and am grateful to my core.

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